
GroupLoop gets some more new features

One of the more common requests we've gotten from GroupLoop users (including ourselves) is a feature that would allow users to RSVP for calendar events. It's often helpful to know who's attending an event, and trying to collect responses by email can be a challenge. We've streamlined this process to make it fast and simple to use.

When you add an event to the calendar (or edit one you've already entered), you can request an RSVP from the members of your group. If you choose to notify them by email, they'll get a direct link to respond. Otherwise, when a member next logs in to the system, he or she will see a flag by the upcoming events that need a response.

When responding, users will be able to accept or decline the invitation and include comments as needed. The person who scheduled the event (and only that person) can see at a glance who's responded and who hasn't, along with each person's comments. No more searching back through your inbox to count up all the responses!

We welcome your feedback to help make GroupLoop as useful as possible. We've also rolled out a few small adjustments to the interface and added an option for notification by email when posting comments to messages. If you haven't tried GroupLoop, it's completely free to set up an account, and you don't have to give us your life history to use the system - you'll be going in 30 seconds. Quick and easy is what it's all about.

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